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Get started with Jesmonite

Here is an extensive list of everything you need to get started with Jesmonite! From selecting the correct type of Jesmonite, Jesmonite alternatives, pigments, sanding and sealing your pieces, moulds, protective equipment and more.

I work in large batch making and therefore need different kinds of tools when it comes to making Jesmonite products. However, if you're looking to get started and give Jesmonite a try, then these products are perfect for you to start making and let your creative ideas flow!

Please note that some of these are affiliate links and therefore when you make a purchase using some of these links you are also supporting my small business as I recieve a small commission. Thank you!

The only guide you'll ever need to get started on your creative Jesmonite journey. Get your copy of this extensive Jesmonite guide:
Jesmonite: The Complete Beginners Guide'.

Written by: Stevie, Aana Design

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